how to not be an idiot in 2024

Navigating Modern Dating like an Adult

Cover Image for Navigating Modern Dating like an Adult
Dr. Muse
Dr. Muse

This week's topic is navigating modern dating like an adult. Now, don't pretend you haven't noticed—dating in 2024 is a dumpster fire. From ghosting to people treating every interaction like it's a reality TV audition, it's clear that many folks have just plain given up on manners. Let's change that, shall we?

First things first, stop treating dating like a game. It's not. If you see it as a competitive sport where there are winners and losers, you've already lost. Relationships aren’t about scoring points; they're about building connections. If you're out there collecting dates like they're Pokémon, you're just being an idiot.

Here's where it's going to get controversial—ditch the dating apps. Yeah, I said it. Swiping left and right reduces people to profiles, breeding superficiality. Meet people the old-fashioned way: through friends, at events, hell, in line at the coffee shop. Yes, it takes more effort, but it also shows you value the process of getting to know someone.

When you do meet someone, be honest. Radical concept, I know. If you're just looking for a fling, say so. If you want something long-term, be upfront about that too. The ambiguity needs to die. Stop wasting your time and someone else's by stringing them along with mixed messages and 'let’s see where this goes' nonsense. Clarity isn’t just respectful; it's efficient.

Next, be genuinely interested in the other person. I can't emphasize this enough: ask questions and listen. No, not the kind where you're half-paying attention while plotting your next witty remark. Truly listen. Understand them. If you’re not interested in what the other person has to say, you're not interested in them. Move along instead of faking enthusiasm.

For God's sake, drop the phone. Nothing says 'I'm not that into you' like checking texts or scrolling through social media during a date. It’s not just rude; it shows you have the attention span of a goldfish. If you can’t unplug for a couple of hours, you’re setting yourself up for failure.

And here’s a no-brainer—respect personal boundaries. If someone says no, it means NO. Pressuring someone into doing something they’re uncomfortable with is not only idiotic; it's disgusting. Also, respect your own boundaries. Don’t bend over backward to please someone else at the expense of your own comfort and values.

Finally, let's talk about closure. If it's not working out, be an adult and end things properly. Ghosting, breadcrumbing, or whatever new trendy term for avoiding confrontation comes next is the epitome of cowardice. Have the decency to communicate your feelings and make a clean break.

In summary: Treat dating like an adult activity, not a scavenger hunt. Approach it with sincerity and respect for both yourself and others, and that's how not to be an idiot in 2024.