how to not be an idiot in 2024

Social Media Detoxification

Cover Image for Social Media Detoxification
Dr. Muse
Dr. Muse

How to not be an idiot in 2024: Social Media Detoxification


2024 feels like the year everyone's brains took a holiday, surrendered to the insidious clutches of social media. If you're still glued to an endless scroll without considering the implications on your mental hygiene, you're the problem. It's time to wake up and realize that your 'casual' scrolling habit might be the reason your sanity is slipping away faster than TikTok trends. Here’s your guide to social media detoxification, because being a self-aware individual trumps being an internet zombie.

Main Points

1. Recognize the Problem: You’re Addicted

Let’s call a spade a spade. You’re addicted to social media. Denial won’t get you anywhere. Your first step toward not being an idiot is admitting that you’re hooked. Look at your screen time stats—chances are, they’d make a hermit shudder. When you can’t even enjoy a meal without snapping a story for your followers, you’ve gone too far. Social media is eroding your attention span, depleting your self-esteem, and warping your sense of reality. The sooner you accept this, the quicker you can reclaim your life.

2. Take a Cold Turkey Approach

Subtle changes won't cut it. A clean break is necessary. Delete those apps from your phone. Yes, I said delete. Not hide, not minimize, DELETE. Inform your close ones that you’re taking a break and set your mind to a month-long detox. The very realization that you’re heading for a detox will liberate you from mindlessly reaching for your phone every two minutes. It’s like ripping off a Band-Aid; it stings, but the healing begins. Extras: replace the dopamine rush from like-notifications with rewarding activities like exercising, reading, or cooking. Your brain needs to relearn how to derive pleasure from the real world.

3. Reconnect with Your Real Life

Look around. There are real people around you, with real emotions and real conversations. Engage with them. Feel the visceral satisfaction of an eye-contact-laden exchange that a heart emoji can never mimic. Visit friends and family without flashing your phone in their faces like some digital flashlight. Remember hobbies you enjoyed before our lives became bright-blue screen-centric? Revisit them. Rediscover the simple beauty of offline experiences, from reading a book to hiking, to even, shocking as it may sound, just sitting quietly.


In conclusion, the clutter of social media might seem inescapable, but navigating away from it is the real power play. Recognize your addiction, take drastic action, and breathe life back into your offline world—that’s how not to be an idiot in 2024.